Prices & Accounts

Why don't I see any prices?

You must login here to see our prices.

Who can shop in the online store?

You can only shop here if your company has a valid contract with Selecta. If you do not currently have an active webshop account, you are more than welcome to contact us by clicking on this link or contact us by phone on 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2.

How do I become a Selecta client?

If you are not a current client but would like to know more about our coffee, food and beverage solutions, please contact us by phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2, or email UK.Enquiries@selecta.com and we will put you in touch with a sales representative.

How do I activate my shop account?

If you do not have an active account, please contact us by clicking on this link. Send the email to us and you will shortly receive a reply with login details.

Please check your SPAM folder – the invitation with the activation link might be waiting in there.

How do I reset my password?

Please go here and click on the link “Forgot your password?”. You will immediately receive an email to reset your password so that you can login.


I am missing a product

Please contact us here or phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2, so that we can check product availability and advise you of a revised delivery date or arrange an alternative product to be sent to you.

Where do I find information about ingredients?

We aim to provide all necessary information about our products on the product detail pages. This includes ingredients and nutritional information as well as packaging sizes and weight. If you require additional information, please contact us here or phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2.


Can I order from or to another country?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to order from one country to another country. VAT rules may differ from country to country and so do our legal entities, therefore you must order within the country of operations.

What is the status of my order?

We will soon be able to display this information online in your account. Until then, please contact us here or phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2 if you want to know the status of your order.

Where is my order confirmation?

Order confirmations are automatically being sent via email – straight after you’ve finished the check-out process. If you can’t find this email in your inbox (check your Spam folder), please contact us here or phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2.

Delivery & Return

How much does shipping cost?

If the order exceeds £150, delivery is free of charge within 4 working days.

If the order is less than this, a shipping fee of £9.99 will be added.

How do I add another delivery address?

If you wish to add a new delivery address to your account, please email sales.post@selecta.com who will be happy to take in your request and process it accordingly.

Can I ship one order to multiple addresses?

No. You must set up a separate order for each delivery address. This is to ensure the correct items go to each location.

How do I return an order?
To return ordered goods, a return must be notified to us within 2 days of delivery. To notify us of a return, please email Client Services on client.care@selecta.com or phone 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2. Don't forget to include your client service number and order number for faster processing.

Only products in unopened packaging will be collected by us. It is possible to return individual products or an entire order. After the return has been notified, we will collect the goods from you. Crediting products will take place after collection and inspection of the products.

About Selecta

Who is Selecta?

Selecta Group is a Food Tech company with a leading route-based, self-service distribution network in Europe, offering innovative convenience food services and world-class quality coffee brands in the workplace and public spaces.

Please find more information about us on our website https://www.selecta.com/int/en/selecta-group/about-us

How can I rent a vending machine?

You can find all our food solutions and machines on our website www.selecta.com/uk.

Our sales representatives will work with you to find the best solution for your situation.

If your question does not appear here, please contact us here or call 01256 348 600 – then choose option 2.