
Wholesale for your business

Ordering from Selecta is quick and easy. Whether it’s a one-off order of coffee or a regular monthly order for your entire office needs - we have a nationwide wholesale business where we can deliver more than 1000 different products directly to your door.

About us

At Selecta, we are with you all hours of the day. From the first coffee of the morning, lunch at work with colleagues, your 3 o’clock pick-me-up snack or refreshments for visiting time. We are passionate about giving you the things you like the most to keep you energised, hydrated and happy 24/7.

With a wide range of well-known brands and a strong focus on innovative food, snack, coffee and beverage solutions, we have something suitable for all different companies and businesses. Both in the office and on the Go. From start-ups to multi-site companies. We are your partner for flexible and expandible catering solutions no matter what your size or industry.

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